Friday, May 2, 2014

8th Grade Music Videos

I wanted to try something new with my last rotation of 8th graders this year. Students were limited to one week to work on this project.  They were divided into groups.  Then handed a CD--not knowing what song was on it--but they had to create a music video using that song.  It was a great teamwork building while incorporating technology project. Students were able to use the iPads to film and iMovie to create their movies.  Obviously, if we had more time I think their movies would be even more amazing. For launching this as a guinea pig experiment I think they should be proud of what they created!!

Click here is the rubric and instructions students were given.

Click here to view Jacob A., Arden, Wesley, Broc, Serena, and Jenna's music video to the song Hall of Fame by The Script.

Click here to view Erik, Kenna, Shaylee, Sam, Makena, Kaleb's music video to the song Happy by Pharrell.

Click here to view Daniel, Carissa, Amelia, Kira, Dylan, Isabel's music video to the song Best Days of My Life by American Authors.

Click here to view Megan, Kaisha, Mallory, Kendra, Olivia, and Jacob S.'s music video to the song Invisible by Hunter Hayes.

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