Thursday, January 31, 2013

First Steps...

I'm doing it. You hear that Craig? And Brent? And Ann? And the numerous others out there that inspire me? I'm finally BLOGGING!! So many inspiring people in my PLN and within my school district are continuing to push me to be the best I can with my abilities I am finally taking my first steps. The weirdest part of this experience for me, that has come to me in the past couple of days, is that I grew up (in my eyes) a writer.  I was always writing: diaries, stories, reports, articles for school newspapers (not that I was any good at any of them but I was at least writing).  Then I started teaching.  And I stopped. I can't figure it out.  I regret it. Can you imagine how fun it would be to go back and read some stories from my first year of teaching? Suddenly something sparked in me this morning and I told myself today is the day I start blogging.  What pushed me to take the plunge?  I firmly believe it is the awesome team of teachers I work with in Seward.  

I have started Technology Thursdays at the elementary school. I want to be there for my team of teachers. I admire their hard work, their talents, their love of students and their best interests.  Point blank I idolize the teachers I work with.  I want to help them any way I can integrate technology into the classroom.  If I can take just an ounce of stress off their back, I've done my job.  I understand I am "just" the media specialist in my school...and I am teaching classes all day.  I must say I am by NO means a technology genius and do not proclaim that I am going to change things by leaps and bounds by arranging these Tech Thursdays.  My hope for starting this in the elementary school is to make time to talk about technology.  I firmly believe that it may help people to not be afraid of technology, to embrace it and to share with others. Ideally, I would be in the classroom with them and work side by side on projects like so many other schools I read about. But just like all things we have to make due with what we have in our building.  

I attempted two weeks ago to meet with fourth grade and unfortunately our days just weren't meshing.  Fourth grade teachers have a lot on their plate, by golly!  They're a great group and I look forward to meeting with them for the first time.  

Last week I got started with the third grade team and had a GREAT kickstart to Tech Thursdays.  I was able to help get Chrome installed on some of their computers, how to access Google Docs, add apps and extensions, and show them the cool YouTube Options extension available on Google Chrome.  It was an exciting day for me. I felt that I was finally doing what I should be doing!  Almost like I may have made a difference.

Fast forward to today I got to meet with the second grade team today.  That is an intimidating statement right there. They're all fabulously talented teachers and rock at technology.  We were able to spend that time together focusing on sharing.  Did I just hear you say "whoop-whoop"? Or was that me?  We talked a lot about the different technology conferences we were able to go to recently and shared what we learned.  Just a few of those discussion items: Smartboard for the ipad app, Evernote, writing and technology, Chrome, extensions and apps, and finally Twitter. It was a great time.  I valued that time.

Thank you to those that inspire me. I will try to keep up with my new blog at least once a week related to technology and education...and gloating about the awesome #sewardjays.


  1. Jennifer!!! This is so awesome! What an EPIC 1st ever blog post!! On blogger no less with my favorite friends from GOOGLE!!!
    I seriously feel so lucky to know you and have you in my PLN!!
    The Technology Thursday idea that you have started is fantastic! If you help one person a week and continue that growth with them you are doing fantastic!
    Since my visit to Seward the day before Thanksgiving I have been so excited to see the pride of #sewardjays growing in large part to you!

    You made my day with this post!

    I can't wait to read future posts.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. ell done! You are doing some pretty amazing things for the #sewardjays and they are very lucky to have such a dedicated, enthusiastic and passionate teacher like you. Keep doing what you are doing. You are making a difference not only in what you are doing with teachers, but with students as well. I look forward to learning from your blog in the future. You took a leap of faith by completing your first blog post and it is going to pay massive dividends! Well done!

  4. Nice job, Jennifer! I was like you, an avid writer, but need a little push to get started blogging. You will be amazed at how quickly your blog posts will grow along with your readers. Sharing out the great things you do will inspire others. This is the beginning of great things to come! Congratulations! Mark the date, you now have a blogging birthday!! :-)

  5. I value your contribution to our district so much!! You have such fantastic ideas, and you're ready to throw them out there for us all to learn! I can't wait for my own babes to have you as a teacher...they will be so blessed!

  6. Thank you everyone for your kind words and your encouraging vibes! I am lucky to have you all in my PLN. :)
