Monday, February 18, 2013

Web Presence

Today's Goal: To collaborate with a group of awesome teachers from Seward Public Schools to teach how to use Google Sites to middle and high school teachers. You must teach well enough to have them launch their sites onto the district site.


You can tell by my use of the caps lock button and the excessive exclamation marks one of two things: I'm definitely an elementary teacher OR that my team totally dominated our goal today.  The latter of the two is correct.  Okay. Well. They're both true.  

Being on an awesome team by collaborating with Josh, Julie, Brittany, and Laura, we were able to help out over 30 teachers from the middle and high schools get acquainted with Google Sites and help build their digital presence.  We even rocked the RtI tiers to accommodate teachers' learning styles: whole group, one-on-one, and small group.  Yep. You read that right. The inner teacher in us taught using teaching methods that work. Period. Done. BAM!

I know from experience how it is difficult to start a new blog or a website.  We feel the pressure from the "Pinterest Teacher" blogs and websites. You know what kind I'm talking about.  The types you wonder, "Do they really sleep? Or do they just have an IV pack of straight up Red Bull?!?"  We all simply must remember that the hardest part of anything is jumping off and doing it. Jump in the deep end of the pool and swim.  Our goal is not to be a "Pinterest Teacher" community but rather to have a website or blog that communicates effectively with our students, parents, families, and communities.  We are here for our students.  As long as we do what works for us and our students then we're doing an awesome job.  We have a lot of great teachers, some of whom I just met today, that really took Google Sites and embraced it. It was fun to watch them play with templates, add tool bars, subheadings...the list could go on and on.  

Go Bluejays!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Power of Twitter

Ever since I was encouraged to start using Twitter by a fellow and brilliant colleague, I was told it is the best professional development (PD) a person can experience.  Its PD when you want it, how you want it. And ever since I signed up I have been an avid Twitter advocate. I feel that my professional learning network (PLN) is crucial to making me be the best I can be and help provide the students in my school with the best that is out there.  Many people ask, "What is the big deal with Twitter?".  Many use our answers so they can present it to others, to help encourage them to use Twitter.  Well...prepare for an emotional explanation of how the power of Twitter just made my night.

You see, my hubby is not as into "tech" as me.  He teases me and pokes at me, all in good fun, about how I spend time on the computer/device of choice and probably questions how Twitter can help me.  This is also the same man that will be the first to ask, "What are people saying about the Husker game on Twitter?" or during the election he enjoyed watching the hashtag #election and all the goofy things being said.

Well, last night I surprised him with the Power of Twitter. No joke people. I made a believer among us.  As he is working on a home improvement project, I sneak in and ask him, "How would a trip to Minneapolis in May sound to you?"  He says, "Uhhh...why?!" Keep in mind, we live in Nebraska-so that's a pretty hefty drive with two younguns ages 3 and 1.  I explain to him that I saw on Raffi's twitter feed  is doing some concerts, and that someone had posted how they're taking their kids to see Raffi in concert. Raffi is Hubby's all time favorite artist growing up: we have his CD's, concert DVD's, and books. I looked it up on Ticketmaster-it was legit, he is doing a small tour.  So, I explain how most of his concerts are on the East coast, but there is one in Minnesota, and how I was going to Tweet Raffi and say something like, "Its too bad you can't travel closer to Nebraska." At this point the Hubs says, "Do it!!! Buy the tickets!"  So...I bought tickets!  You have NO idea how big this trip is at this point. HE is giddy to be able to take HIS girls to see RAFFI. In concert!  Then out of excitement I tweet to Raffi letting him know about how excited we are. Thinking he probably won't see it, he's a busy guy. I mean, hello! He's like totally famous and has other things to do versus replying to little ole me.  Get ready, people... He. Tweeted. Back. If you don't believe me look below:

Okay. This is where it gets more sappy and personal, I apologize for taking my professional blog to a more personal level, but I'm going there. You've been warned. Pregnancy can really make you feel like everything is all about you, especially with your first born. Which it totally is!  Most of all everyone makes you feel like you are a goddess, even after the birth of your amazing little bean. It is an amazing support system that develops during that time.When we welcomed our Olive into the world, we were amazed at how WE changed as she came into our lives. She changed us, and thank goodness she did.  She (and her sister Lucy) have made us become better people: parents, professionals, and people in general.  

As I was home on maternity leave with Olive, my mother-in-law was staying with us that first week.   It had to be the second day we were home with Olive that my mother-in-law had gave my hubby a Raffi CD as a gift.  I never had heard of Raffi. I never had experienced his music. I didn't get it. He looks at his mom with googly eyes.  He got choked up with emotion. I didn't get it.  My head is looking back and forth at them as if they're playing tennis.  As I'm looking at the two of them having this "moment", I'm wondering, "Aren't I supposed to be the one that gets emotional around here?!" He was excited to share this music with his own child. Me. Still not getting IT. Asks, "Sooooo...who is this guy? Is he a new artist?"  Tom looks at me in horror and starts to tell me about the time when he saw Raffi at the Orpheum Theater in Omaha when he was probably 5 or 6. At that moment I experienced one of the most beautiful and unforgettable moments in life...that we still talk about to this day...
Tom got up from holding Olive, started playing the song Baby Beluga, and was dancing with her around the living room. I see my husband dancing with our daughter with tears streaming down his face and I am frozen. I didn't move. I didn't snap a picture (which is a shock to those that know me). I didn't say anything. Suddenly, my face was warm. I touch my face and I realize I'm crying. It was one of the most beautiful moments I've experienced.  Ever.  I look over at my mother-in-law and she is crying also. Ever since then Raffi has been with us to doctor's appointments, to family dinners, holidays, play times, cruising down the highway, everywhere.

I told my husband last night, " tweeted tonight about the Raffi concert...and look what happened." I scroll down to show him that Raffi tweeted back and my husband choked up upon seeing that.  He was speechless.

Then he asked me to send him the screenshot.

We can not wait until our trip to Minnesota to see Raffi in concert, especially after last night. Thanks go to Raffi for making this an even more exciting experience with his reply!! Can't wait to rock out with Raffi!!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Lovely Books Heart Walk

Alright if anyone has a genius solution to making seat spots on the floor that the kids don't peel up and destroy...I'd LOVE to hear all about it! I promise I'll pass all the credit to you because Lord knows I've told my little Bluejays enough times, "Stop!" or  "Don't play with the tape!" or "We just put those down!" So as I am bending over, trying to figure out the right amount of seats, and if they're perfectly mind is wondering.  Does it think about things that I need to be doing? Nah. I'm thinking about how kids love seeing things taped to the floors and then it hit me!  Wouldn't it be so cool to see a floor covered in hearts? In the library!? For the month of February?!   

I asked the teachers here at SES to fill in a pink heart I put in their mailbox with a picture of the book they LOVE and to explain a little bit about why they love it.  The kids are totally loving our "Lovely Books Heart Walk" in the library. It has been fun to see them go out of their way to stop and read about what books the teachers love.  Thank you to my fellow amazing, awesome, and totally tolerant teachers!  Just when their plates weren't full enough, I throw this onto their plate and I haven't heard one complaint!